Basic Usage - Hyrules/WinHue GitHub Wiki
Here is a basic usage manual for WinHue.
Turning on a light or a group :
Simply double click on the light or group and it will send the command to the bridge to turn on or off the light. If the light is on it will send the off command and vice-versa. Changing color, brightness etc...
Select the light or group you want to modify and drag the desired sliders left or right.
Create a group
Click the create a group button, select the light you want in the group and give it a name then click the save button and your group will be added to the bridge. Editing a group, schedule, sensor etc... Right-click on an object will open a context menu showing many options. you can also identify a group or light and apply moods.
Create a schedule
in order to create a schedule, you first need click a light or a group in the main view. The button will enable once this is done and you will be able to enter the parameters for the schedule.
Creating a rule
Creating a rule might be one of the most complex action done in WinHue if you do not understand how the bridge works. There are many variables that can be modified on a light or a group. Simply put, the rule is divided in 2 things. Conditions and Actions. Condition as what is needed to trigger the rule (right now this is limited to sensors) and Actions as what happens when the rule is triggered. You then simply chose what condition and actions by selecting them in the upper part and lower part of the creator and save.
Creating and using Sensors
Creating a sensor can also be complicated. You need to find what type of sensor you might need and it's url. A sensor does not simply sense anything by itself. You need to update it yourself. For example if you create a temperature sensor and want to monitor the exterior temperature you will need an outside server that will send the temperature to the sensor. When the bridge sense that the sensor has been updated it will act accordingly. Other than that it's pretty straight forward.
Bridge firmware Update
You can only update the bridge firmware if the update icon is visible right beside the Bridge Settings button. If you click on it the bridge will update to the latest firmware. The application will become unresponsive for 2 minutes while the bridge update itself.
Searching for a bridge update
clicking on the Search for Bridge update will force the bridge to do a search for the update on the philips website. you might have to restart the application to see if a firmware is available. Note that not every update is made visible to 3rd party application like WinHue. You still might need to update via the official Android or Apple app.
Searching for new lights
Click the Search for new lights button will put the bridge into light searching mode for 1 minute. The application will then refresh itself with the new lights. you might also want to do a manual refresh of the view with the button.
You're trying to send a command but the lights or group etc. is not reacting what's wrong ?
Check the eventlog. Chances are the bridge replied to your command and something went wrong. Eg. You tried something that is normally not possible under certain conditions.