Telemetry State Machine Diagram - Hyp-ed/hyped-2024 GitHub Wiki

Telemetry State Machine Diagram

The Telemetry GUI features a view called "State" which displays a visual representation of the pod's state machine (using the React Flow library).


Diagram Features

The diagram is responsive and will do two things:

  • The current (aka active) node is highlighted so that it is clear which state the pod is currently in.
  • If we are in a state which could transition to the "Failure Braking" state, we dynamically create an arrow going from the current node to the "Failure Braking" node. (We do this so that we don't have to have an arrow going from every state to "Failure Braking" as this would be very cluttered.)
  • When a different pod is selected on the GUI it will change the state machine diagram accordingly and with the new pod's current state highlighted.

Operation Mode

The pod has three different state machines which it can use for a pod run: full run, levitation only, and no levitation. The state machine to be used is defined in config before the pod is run, and the GUI will check this value and display the correct diagram.