2.2.1 Slope - HydrogeomorphologyTools/SedInConnect_2.3 GitHub Wiki

In the original connectivity model (Borselli et al., 2008), a value of 0.005 m/m was added to the computed value of slope in order to avoid infinite in Eq. 3. In this modified version of the model, we preferred to preserve the slope values calculated directly from the HR-DTM setting a lower limit of 0.005 m/m, for the same reason just explained, and an upper limit of 1 m/m. The upper limit in slope parameter is introduced to limit the bias due to very high values of IC on steep slopes. The setting of a slope upper limit of 1 m/m has also a physical reason: in alpine environment very high slopes are typical of near-vertical rocky cliffs or very steep hillslopes and bedrock channels where sediment storage is difficult. In such a context, processes related to sediment mobilization are mainly represented by rockfalls and not by the processes the proposed sediment connectivity index intends to investigate (i.e. debris flows, bedload transport).