temporary storage - HwWobbe/WipHww GitHub Wiki
This month ...
- https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/tiddlywiki/C1XtBA4U4Ms
- profile update to enhance focus.
- https://github.blog/2020-05-06-new-from-satellite-2020-github-codespaces-github-discussions-securing-code-in-private-repositories-and-more/#discussions
- reconsider the use of the GitHib.wiki(s)
- https://github.com/akhater/akhater.github.io/tree/master/drift
- Re-organize some of this page
- investigate and repair TW5 saveFails at Dfx. Confirmed these are local to SysH and may be SysD Azure interactions.
- First: do a USB install with the new capabilities
2020.04. (and before):
dealing with extended CoVid19 lockdown Business issues
- reacting to Corona-19 by reviewing all prior protocols
- different styles of collaboration are definitely needed
- https://www.zettlr.com/ considerations
- considering Time and Effort (re) allocations
- 2020.04: on-going
considering https://github.com/Zettlr/Zettlr
the recent webDAV developments seem promising
- review this
cull this list
- restructure (via PushDown) ?
- retain in a wiki ?
- enhanced use of PbWorks Tasks
- add a link ( from the daily email )
try uploading a bundle of Tid(s)
- should be easy with the export in advancedSearch
- may be easier with a gistPage
considering https://github.com/xmaysonnave/tiddlywiki-ipfs
Currently distracted by re-building my main TW files around the TiddlyTables plugin.
- testng my methods of posting JSON fies containing TiddlyWiki content
- hopefully a simple extension of JSON exports to produce files to upload
- merging CurbSide & TiddlyTables
make more use of IttyBitty
comment via DiigoH to enhance linkages = better tagging, ...
- link to IttyBitty
7.7. > https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww/blob/master/7.7%20WIP.md
start renumbering report sections as ... m(ajor).(m)i(nor).(p)atch
- this may need to be distinuoshed from the timePast convention of using "." versus "-" or "_" ( Tn... future )
make more use of StackEdit to ensure copies exist
link to AdManCa (now live) & DataFix & ...
evaluate the newest CurbSide version
consider scheduling MicroTasks via RnA, especially as work expands into Open Source technologies that can scale well
investigate "deployment"(s)
consider https://github.com/actions (especially for Azure, even if there are fees)
https://github.com/HwWobbe/hello-world ( confirm Not pinned )