WebHome - Huddle/huddle-apis GitHub Wiki



This document proposes a Web Home Document format for Huddle WEBSITE links, described using the proposed json-home specification


Please Note:

  • resources are named with the common base uri 'my.huddle.net'
  • the base uri of the json-home document should be the same as all resources (according to spec). We will be contra-specification as this document will be hosted on api.huddle.{TLD}, where {TLD} represents a Huddle environment (e.g. net)
  • base uris of both the GET request and returned assets are tld specific


The Huddle Web Home document requires no authentication.

Resource Identifiers

Following the above spec, the Web Home document contains a number of resources with identifiers that detail resource links/templates.

Each identifier is universal (regardless of {TLD} instance) within the Huddle Enterprise, the relative links also do not change but the Host (and therefore full link) will.

Moreover, whilst the Identifiers are identified relative to the "api.huddle.net" scheme, the links (being web links to the Huddle website) will never be of that form.

Resource Identifier Web Link Description
http://api.huddle.net/rel/dashboard Huddle Dashboard web link
http://api.huddle.net/rel/searchpage Huddle Search Results web link
http://api.huddle.net/rel/workspacepage Huddle Workspace Overview web link

More Identifiers are defined on the API "Home Document"

Resource Template Parameters

Any Resource Identifier that identifies a "href-template" will also define variables for that template. Each Resource Template Parameter is again defined universally within the Huddle Enterprise and will not change across Huddle instances.

Resource Template Parameter Parameter Description
http://api.huddle.net/param/query-string Query string for Search APIs
http://api.huddle.net/param/workspace-id Numerical Workspace Id

More Parameters are defined on the API "Home Document"

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: https://api.huddle.{TLD}
Accept: application/json-home
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json-home
  "resources": {
    "http://api.huddle.net/rel/dashboard": {
      "href": "..."
    "http://api.huddle.net/rel/searchpage": {
      "href-template": ".../{query-string}",
      "href-vars": {
        "query-string": "http://api.huddle.net/param/query-string"
    "http://api.huddle.net/rel/workspacepage": {
      "href-template": ".../{workspace-id}/",
      "href-vars": {
        "workspace-id": "http://api.huddle.net/param/workspace-id"