HttpStatusCodes - Huddle/huddle-apis GitHub Wiki
Huddle use HTTP Status Codes to inform you of the success or failure of an action. Individual resources might overload the meaning of a status code, but unless explicitly stated, these definitions are valid for all operations.
Status | Definition |
200 OK | We have processed your request and returned the data your asked for. |
201 Created | We have processed your request and have created a new resource as a result. You will have a Location header with the GETable URI of your new resource, and you should have a response containing your new resource |
202 Accepted | We have processed your request, but there is additional work still to be done. You should have received a Location header with a GETable URI where you can check for the status of your operation. |
204 No Content | We have processed your request and there is no body content in the response. |
400 Bad Request | We are unable to service your request. It is likely to be incorrectly formatted or otherwise unreadable. You should have received an error structure containing more detailed information. |
401 Unauthorized | We are unable to authenticate your request. No processing has been performed. You should have received a www-authenticate header with more information. See: Authentication for details about Huddle's authentication schemes. |
403 Forbidden | You are not allowed to access or modify the resource you have requested. You should have received an error structure containing more detailed information. See access controls for details about Huddle's access control mechanism. |
404 Not Found | We are unable to process your request, as we can not find a resource matching the URI. You may have received an error structure containing more detailed information. |
409 Conflict | The resource you are attempting to create or modify conflicts with an existing resource. You should have received an error structure containing more detailed information. |
410 Gone | The resource you are attempting to modify or retrieve has been deleted. You should have received an error structure containing more detailed information. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. You have to take action in order to resolve the issue. |