Livereload node webkit on changes - Hosting-Site/node-webkit GitHub Wiki

When you are working on a prototype it's faster to reload the nodewebkit window automatically on file changes.

To do this, you can add this script tag to the end of your main file:

  var path = './';
  var fs = require('fs');, function() {
    if (location)

Recursive solution

Sadly, the previous solution don't work recursively. If you want a recursive alternative, first you need to install "gaze" (with "npm install gaze" command), and then change the script tag content:

   var Gaze = require('gaze').Gaze;
   var gaze = new Gaze('**/*');

   gaze.on('all', function(event, filepath) {
     if (location)

Using gulp

See this gist

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