HospitalRun Prerelease Beta Process - HospitalRun/planning GitHub Wiki

This document outlines the objectives, process, and expectations of the HospitalRun prerelease beta program.


  • To validate the utility of the deployed functionality of HospitalRun with a select set of constituents under a varied set of implementation needs (small vs. larger, outpatient vs. inpatient, etc.)
  • To capture focused feedback on feature, process, or architectural changes that might be needed to move the product to a 1.0 release
  • To begin to build the implementation processes and tools to achieve our #1 requirement: usability
  • To ultimately serve the functional needs of the beta partner facilities


How will the Beta program work?

Beta application process launch

The following should be initiated on or about June 6, 2016

Beta application process

The following should consist of a two-week process from the time a beta candidate submits an application.

  • Beta candidate applies to be a part of the beta
  • Within 2 days, a beta candidate's application is routed to a pair of HospitalRun community members to review the application
  • Within 5 days from applying, a beta candidate is contacted by a pair of authorized HospitalRun community members to acknowledge their application and schedule a time to conduct a validation interview
  • Within 2 weeks from originally applying, HospitalRun community members conduct a video conference interview with the beta candidate to confirm the details of a candidate's application questions
  • HospitalRun community members either recommend or reject a beta candidate in the project's #prerelease-beta Slack
  • Within 3 weeks from originally applying, a beta candidate is informed whether they will be a part of the beta

Beta launch

  • beta customers complete the beta launch questionnaire (to be constructed) to ensure their cloud system is configured properly with initial users, etc.
  • beta link is sent to beta customer
  • beta customer is sent deployment instructions for their local server
  • beta customer and HospitalRun community members schedule a weekly call to discuss rollout progress