Documentation - Horusiath/UTorri GitHub Wiki

Here are descriptions and notes about UTorri interface.

RemoteClient request methods

  1. GetTorrentList - this method perform a simple get request for current list of torrents. As a response the TorrentList object will be received. It's a collection o Torrent objects, which contains a basic info about each torrent that are listened in uTorrent application.

You can also call this method with already prepared TorrentList. In this case the result will be an another torrent list which is realy a changeset relating to argument passed into method. If you want to get an actual list of torrents, just use Merge method on torrent lists to obtain an updated result.

  1. GetTorrentFiles - receives a TorrentFileList, container of TorrentFile object. Each of those objects can be associated with specific torrent using Hash property. You can call this method for any number of torrents.

  2. GetTorrentProperties, SetTorrentProperties - both these methods are used to inform and manipulate data about specific torrent job properties. You may use first method to access data about specific torrents properties. All of them are objects with editable properties, which you can pass as an arguments to second method, which will cause update request.

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