Event buses - Horusiath/Akkling GitHub Wiki

While you may use built-in set of the event stream methods (see: Akka event streams), there is an option of using dedicated F# API functions:

  • subscribe (ref : IActorRef<'Message>) (eventStream : Akka.Event.EventStream) : bool - subscribes an actor reference to target channel of the provided event stream. Channels are associated with specific types of a message emitted by the publishers.
  • unsubscribe (ref : IActorRef<'Message>) (eventStream : Akka.Event.EventStream) : bool - unsubscribes an actor reference from target channel of the provided event stream.
  • publish (event : 'Event) (eventStream : Akka.Event.EventStream) - publishes an event on the provided event stream. Event channel is resolved from event's type.
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