Bootstrapping an actor system - Horusiath/Akkling GitHub Wiki

Unlike default (C#) actor system, F#-aware systems should be created using Akkling.System.create function. This function differs from it's C# equivalent by providing additional F#-specific features - i.e. serializers allowing to serialize F# quotations for remote deployment process.


open Akkling
use system = System.create "my-system" (Configuration.load())

F# also gives you it's own actor system Configuration module with support of following functions:

  • defaultConfig() : Config - returns default F# Akka configuration.
  • parse(hoconString : string) : Config - parses a provided Akka configuration string.
  • load() : Config - loads an Akka configuration found inside current project's .config file.

NOTE: Akkling uses Akka.Serialization.Hyperion serializer by default. If you want to combine it with classic Akka.NET actors, you should use that serializer on their side too (you should anyway).