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                                **MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF DIRECTORS **

                                ____________________________________(Name of Company)

The annual meeting of directors of the corporation was held at
___________________________________________________________________________________On ________________________, _____________ at _______________ ___.M.

     The following directors and other individuals were present (Add name and Title)

being a quorum and all of the directors of the corporation. was elected
chairman of the meeting and
___ was appointed secretary thereof to take notes
and minutes from the meeting.

    The secretary then presented and read to the meeting a waiver of notice of meeting, subscribed by all

the directors of the corporation, and it was ordered that it be appended to the minutes of the meeting.

   The minutes of the preceding meeting of the board of directors held on _______________,______

was thereupon read and adopted.

   The president then rendered a general report of the business of the corporation 1 the secretary presented   

his report and the treasurer rendered a report of the finances of the corporation. The officers' reports were
received and ordered on file

  The following were duly nominated and a vote having been taken were unanimously elected officers of the  

corporation to serve for one year and until their successors are elected and shall qualify:

President ______________________________________




Other Positions appointed: (i.e. Consultants to Board, Assistant V.P, Assistant Secretary, etc.)

The following items were discussed in detail and notes regarding those discussions are included below (or
attached hereto):

Financial Performance for the prior year (by quarters);

Review of last years goals and expectations, and areas of success and/or concern;

Goals and Expectations for Financial Performance for the coming year and specific milestones and methods
necessary to achieve such goals;

Marketing Plans for the Coming Year (Evaluate also performance of Marketing Efforts for Prior Year);

Management of Expenses and strategy and guidance for the coming year;

    There being no further business before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the 

meeting adjourned.








The following have been appended to these minutes:

Waiver of Notice

Additional Notes regarding Business Analysis for the Company