Moderation - HordLawk/YottaBot GitHub Wiki

ban (user) [(reason)]

Bans an user from a server even if the user is not a member in the current server

The reason can have up to 500 characters

You can attach media to this command to have it be logged with the case

check (user) <all/warn/mute/kick/ban> [(time filter)]

Lists cases of all or a specific type where a specified user was targeted

You can filter this by choosing up to how much time ago you want cases to be listed, the format is (days)d(hours)h(minutes)m(seconds)s

/check (user) <all/warn/mute/kick/ban> [(time filter unit)] [(time filter value)] <true/false>

The last parameter refers to whether the selected user should be the executor of the desired cases

Lists cases of all or a specific type where a specified user was targeted

kick (user) [(reason)]

Kicks a member from a server

massban (user) [(list of users)] [(reason)]

Bans many users at the same time

mute (member) (duration) [(reason)]

Time Outs a member for a limited time

The correct duration format is (days)d(hours)h(minutes)m

reason (case ID) (new reason)

Edits the reason for a specified case

The case ID can be found at the footer of every case log

unban (user) [(reason)]

Unbans an user from a server

unmute (user) [(reason)]

Removes the mute role from a member, if the user is not in the server, they won't automatically get muted when joining it again

warn (user) [(reason)]

Send a DM to a member if they have open DMs and logs the warning

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