Levelling - HordLawk/YottaBot GitHub Wiki

msgxp enable <on/off>

If enabled, members will receive 1 xp for every message they send, with a 1 minute cooldown

msgxp stack <on/off>

If disabled, whenever a member achieves a new level role, the previous one will be removed from them

msgxp roles set (role) (xp)

Sets a role to be given to members when they reach a specified amount of xp

msgxp roles remove <(role)/all>

Removes one or all roles from being achieved by members with xp

msgxp user <add/remove/set> (xp) (list of users)

Changes the amount of xp one or more users have

msgxp ignore role <add/remove> (role)

Select roles that should not be able to gain any xp

msgxp ignore channel <add/remove> (channel)

The same as role but for channels

msgxp notify <default/none/dm/(channel)>

Changes how the bot should alert users when they achieve a new level role, default refers to the same channel the user sent the message that made them level up, none disables the alert, dm means the bot will send the user that went up a role a notification in their DMs, and you can also choose a specific channel for all role achievements to be notified at

msgxp recommend (role amount) (max xp)

Recommends you how much xp to set for each levelrole given a desired amount of roles and an approximate xp cap for the highest level

msgxp multiplier (role) (value)

Sets an xp multiplier for a role

msgxp view

Shows whether gaining xp is enabled in a server, if the level roles are being stacked, where the role achievements are being notified, all current level roles and their required xp amount, and all ignored roles and channels

msgxp reset

Sets the xp for all users to 0 in a serverxp [(user)]

Shows an user's xp progress to the next level role and their current level role

voicexp enable (cooldown minutes)

Enables xp earning in voice channels with a defined cooldown

The cooldown is the in voice time it would take for a member to be awarded 1 xp

voicexp disable

Disables xp earning in voice channels

voicexp ignore <add/remove> (channel)

Members will not be able to earn xp by time in voice channels when connected to one of the voice channels selected by this command

voicexp view

Shows details about the current xp earning in voice channels system

xp [(user)]

Shows an user's xp and level progress in the current server

xp rank

Lists the top xp users for a server

xp roles

Lists all level roles and their required xp amount for a server

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