Administration - HordLawk/YottaBot GitHub Wiki

actionlogs defaultchannel (channel)

Sets the default channel for logging actions

actionlogs set delmsg <(channel)/default>

Activates server logs for deleted messages in the default logging channel or another specified one

actionlogs set prune <(channel)/default>

Activates server logs for pruned (bulk deleted) messages in the default logging channel or another specified one

actionlogs set editmsg <(channel)/default>

Activates server logs for edited messages in the default logging channel or another specified one

In the future there will be other loggable actions

actionlogs remove <delmsg/prune/editmsg>

Disables logs for an specified action

actionlogs ignore channel <add/remove> (channel) <delmsg/prune/editmsg/all>

Tells the bot not to log any or specific actions coming from a channel

actionlogs ignore channel view (channel)

Lists all actions that can not be logged from a channel

actionlogs ignore role <add/remove> (role) <delmsg/prune/editmsg/all>

The same as channel but for roles

actionlogs ignore role view (role)

The same as channel but for roles again

actionlogs view

Shows you the default logging channel, the actions being logged and where, and channel and roles that can not log all or some actions

configs prefix (new prefix)

Sets a new customized prefix for all commands

configs language <en/pt>

en changes the language to english and pt to brazilian portuguese

configs logattachments <on/off>

If disabled, the action logs of deleted messages with attachments will contain a hyperlink to the deleted attachments URL, the problem with this state is that some time after a message is deleted, Discord completely removes its attachments from their database, making it inaccessible despite knowing the URL

As an alternative, enabling this option will make the bot attach the deleted message's attachments to the log message, which in turn stops the attachments from becoming inaccessible in the logs

configs mod logs (channel) <warn/mute/kick/ban> [(other types)]

Sets the channel to log whenever moderation actions are taken in a server

Note that the [(other types)] argument means this command supports assigning a log channel to multiple mod actions at the same time

configs mod clearonban (days)

Sets the number of days of messages to delete when banning through this bot

configs massbanprotection on [(max bans per user per 10 seconds)]

Turns on mass ban protection

This will make YottaBot remove any roles with permission to ban members from a member if they ban more users than specified in the command in a span of 10 seconds

Defaults to 15

This won't work if any of the target member's roles with permission to ban members are higher than YottaBot's highest role

configs massbanprotection off

Turns off mass ban protection

configs globalbans <on/off>

If enable will automatically ban users which have been banned in 3 or more servers with more than 1000 members

This ban will only happen when a globally banned user joins a server, and not if they are already a member in it

YottaBot will only automatically ban an user 1 time per guild so if you want to keep a globally banned user in your server you just need to unban them and YottaBot won't try to ban them again

disable (channel) <on/off> <(list of commands)/all>

Disabled all or some commands from being used in a specified channel

disable (channel) view

Lists the commands disabled for a specified channel

perm <allow/deny/default> <(role mention)/(role ID)/"(role name)"> (list of commands)

Overwrites the default command permissions for a role, you can use this with many commands at once

Note that just like Discord's permissions overwrite system, if the permission for a role to use a command has been overwritten to allow, a member with this role will be able to use this command even if they have other roles with overwritten permissions for the same comman set to deny

perm view <(role mention)/(role ID)/"(role name)">

Lists the commands with overwritten permissions for a role

rolemenu create (channel) <(role mention)/(role ID)/"(role name)"> (emoji) [(alternating roles and emojis)] [toggle]

Creates a rolemenu message where users can react to be given selfroles

Note that the emojis have to be either default emojis or custom emojis from the current server

The toggle argument means users will only be given 1 of the selected roles in a rolemenu, if they react to more than one role, the previous role will be taken away before a new one is given

rolemenu edit (menu ID) <(role mention)/(role ID)/"(role name)"> (emoji) [(alternating roles and emojis)] [toggle]

Edits a previously created rolemenu without having to delete the message and creating a new one again, but every aspect of the new menu has to be given, even the ones that were already in the old menu, so if you had created a menu using the toggle argument and forgot to specify it when editing the menu, it will stop being a togglable menu

The menu ID can be found at the footer of every menu

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