4. The metafor package - HopkinsIDD/gavi_vimc_cholera GitHub Wiki

Running the model also requires installing the metafor package manually on the IDModeling server or on your local computer. To install the package on the IDModeling server, follow steps 1-4:

  1. Use srun --pty --mem=3G --nodelist=idmodeling<2 or 3> bash to open an interactive session (you can change the mem argument to use additional memory)

  2. Type in /opt/R/4.0.3/bin/R to get into the R environment for the version of R needed to run this model (currently version 4.0.3)

  3. Type in install.packages('metafor')

  4. Specify the CRAN mirror you want to use to get the package from CRAN

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