Guide: Change PEI - Hooklet3d/OdinOne GitHub Wiki

Guide: Change PEI


The Odin One uses a thin PEI sheet as a bed surface, although this is intended to be a permanent surface, the surface can be damaged. If it is damaged so far that it is no longer usable the surface may be replaced. The process is straight forward, however, if done incorrectly can cause an unnecessary mess or damage the new PEI.


To complete this task we will need to use toxic chemicals so be sure to do this in a well ventilated area and wear the proper protective equipment.

This process is likely to cause a mess, keep this in mind. The removal of the adhesive is a sticky and generally messy process choose the proper location tools and attire for this task.

This guide, and those found within this wiki are intended for internal and developer use for the Odin One, it is likely that this process will work for other machines, however, be advised that while we will try to keep this as generalized as possible. It is intended for internal use within this project.

What you will Need

  • Acetone - This may be purchased at any hardware store and is a very common solvent.
  • Scraper - A putty knife works well for this but it should not be sharp or have jagged edges
  • Paper Towels
  • Gloves - This will keep the sticky mess off your hands. 3M knows how to make an adhesive!
  • Small Wash Bowl - Use this for cleaning your scraper.
  • Disposable bag - a shopping bag will work

To do this, you will need to remove your bed for best results. Keep in mind this it's not required but having the ability to lightly heat the bed during application can help this process. If you have the space and wire to do so, position your bed so that you can apply heat later on. Again, this is not required.

Doing the Deed

The basic steps are as follows:

  • Remove old PEI
  • Remove Adhesive
  • Prepare Surface
  • Clean Up
  • Apply new PEI
  • Celebrate

Step 1: Remove Old PEI

This step is easy, if you can lift a small corner of the PEI you can usually remove it from the bed whole. It will release from the adhesive cleanly in most cases.

those using other machines may find that their PEI tears as it's removed, if this happens repeat the process until as much PEI is removed but avoid using sharp tools to do so as they may damage the bed surface.

If PEI is brittle there is a good chance that it's a low quality PEI, we are of the mindset as long as a product works and works for you it's fine, however, for high quality US sourced PEI sheet consider purchasing one from Hooklet with free shipping here

We do not make a habit of selling parts in this way but if it helps yourself or the community feel free to pick one up!

Step 2: Remove Adhesive

Note the bed will not be heated for for this step! Doing so will cause the acetone to outgas rapidly

prepare surface

  • To begin, place a paper towel over the bed so that it is laying flat against the print surface (and adhesive)

  • Next, carefully apply acetone to the paper towel preferably using a bottle of some sort (know that acetone dissolves many plastics so this may be difficult).

  • Allow the acetone to sit for 1 or 2 minutes

  • Retrieve your gloves, scraper, some paper towels and your disposable bag

  • Starting at one end firmly pull the scraper across the surface of the bed continuously working in the same direction. You will notice the adhesive takes on a gel like consistency. If things are going well, the majority of this gel will find itself in the paper towel.

When you get to the edge of the bed, move the wast into your trash bag.

Depending on how well the first pass has gone, will determine how many more passes you must take

  • Clean your tool and continue to remove adhesive from the bed until ALL of it is removed and move to the next step.

Step 2 Prepare surface

Once the adhesive is removed, clean the surface of the bed by wiping it down with acetone, be sure there is no dust or hair on the surface of the bed.

Step 3 Clean up

For the next step we will be using the scraper to aid in the application of the new PEI so we need to make sure it is completely clean. Use your cleaning bowl and glean the adhesive off of the scraping tool.

Step 4: Apply new PEI surface

Some Thoughts* this can be tricky, and you only really get one shot at it. Once the adhesive hits the bed it's unlikely you will be able to pull it back without damaging the material

Remember that 3d printers work in small layers so the smallest imperfections can cause large issues; also, if your 3d printer is equipped with auto bed leveling (via induction probe) like the Odin One is, the system can only detect imperfections on the metallic surface below the PEI so anything above that is unknown. If is very important the PEI remains as flat as possible.

Think of this process like putting on a screen protector, we want to gently work in a single direction while slowly applying the PEI and pushing out bubbles in the process.

We will do this by pealing only a small edge of the backing off (around 1/4 inch) and getting that attached to the bed, then work in once even direction with our scraper.

So let's begin...

If you wish you may heat your bed to a low temp at this point.

  • Making sure your hands are clean, carefully peel back about 1/4in of the backing tape on the PEI.

  • Carefully align the exposed edge to the edge of the bed using the bed edge as a guide. It is very important that we start straight as we cannot correct once we start moving

  • Now, while pressing the scraper firmly against the surface while gently pulling it toward your self, make sure your are evenly working the scraper left-and-right to maintain an even application. ** You May need to help the backing by gently pulling it toward you, however, once you get moving the backing should roll off on its own.

  • Do this until you have applied the entire PEI sheet.


If all went well you should have a newly installed PEI surface, if something did go wrong there isn't really anything you can do to salvage the ruined sheet in a meaningful way. If you did ruin a new piece of PEI just take comfort in knowing that you are certainly not the first or last do so.

If it went well... happy printing!