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Welcome to Project "Authum" a password-less authentication service for Third-Party native/web applications.

This wiki provides a starting point for project and architecture definition.

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About "Authum" Project Architecture
[Project Overview]] ](/Hoodbluck/authum-doc/wiki/[[Project-Architecture)
Application's overview. Application definitions.

Competitive Analysis

Signing into websites or apps using Google, Facebook or Twitter is very convenient to the user and in return creates a high conversion rate for your application. However, there are cons to only using these services in your application.

  1. Users don't want their Google account or Facebook account linked with your application. They will not see why your application should have any permissions to access Google or Facebook.

  2. It will weaken security with your application. If the users other account is hacked then your application is free to be logged into by whomever accessed their account. Authum will store a user generated pattern password on the users device. Giving it another layer of protection. The hacker would have to have access to the users device.

  3. With the amount of Data mining that rules the Internet, users would be skeptical that you could be using their account for marketing or let Google and Facebook know that they are using your services.

With Authum, users can log into your site easily and with the comfort knowing that it is just for authentication purposes. Authum is not tied to any other aspect of their online life. It gives them a higher level of security over the competition as it requires another form of authentication in the form of a pattern on their physical device.