User Stories - Hongzred/HashTag_HotLine GitHub Wiki

General Format:

As a <role>
I need to <do something>
In order to <get some value>

User Stories

  1. As an officer, I want to see the distribution of public issues on the map in order to get a picture of where and which should get resolved first.

  2. As a user, I want to see the issue being reflected on the map instantly in order to know that the issue I reported is actually documented.

  3. As a citizen who cares about NYC, I want to receive email notifications in order to see the latest updates on the issue I posted.

  4. As a student studying environmental science, I want to see a statistics report in order to use it as a reference in my research paper.

  5. As a social media manager, I want to be able to contact the reporter in order to get more information about the issue.

  6. As an investigator, I want to see the location and time information when clicking on the issues in the map in order to know which should get prioritized.

  7. As an investigator, I want to see the issues categorized in order to assign them to different departments.

  8. As a user, I want to be able to archive an issue in order to mark them as resolved.

  9. As an investigator, I want to have the ability to send out a survey in order to know how many people are satisfied with the result.

  10. As a manager, I want to be able to delete a false post in order to make all the issues on the site valid.

  11. As a Google Maps engineer, I need to know locations of potholes and construction so I can optimize for safer routes.

  12. As a new business owner, I need to be shown on Google Maps so I have more of an online presence.

  13. As a Google Maps engineer, I need to know the locations of new businesses so I can make Google Maps as accurate as possible.

  14. As a manager for ConEd, I need to know outage reports by location, so I know how widespread is an outage of a particular location.

  15. As a manager for DOT, I need structured data of a report so I can submit to the appropriate location to handle the request.

  16. As a manager for DOT twitter page, I need to keep track of an issue status, so I can notify reporters.

  17. As a manager for 311 twitter page, I need to prioritize reports so I can complete urgent report first.

  18. As a manager for 311 twitter page, I need to automate some user interactions so I can get to other reports faster.

  19. As a mother, I want to know the repair status of a gas leak so that I know the areas around my neighborhood are safe for my kids.

  20. As a manager at a utility company, I’m interested in trends for where there are persistent gas leaks, power outages and steam pipe deterioration, so I can prioritize repairs to save maintenance costs down the line.

  21. As a Customer Service Representative at a utility company, I’d like to take a breather from customer calls (and communicate over text), so that I can step away from the most stressful part of my job.

  22. As a data analyst, I love cleaned and ready-to-use data (like the data provided by Hashtag Hotline), because it makes producing meaningful models much quicker.

  23. As a person working two part-time jobs to keep a roof over my head, I want to know I’m safe without waiting on the phone, so that I don’t have to use my limited time.

  24. As a clean-energy advocate, I’m happy that we can know how many leaks there are so estimate the scale of their greenhouse gas emissions.

  25. As a second language learner, I’m glad to send messages over text, so that I can translate from my native language, if I get stuck on a word.

  26. As a contractor for residential customers, I’m glad that I can report my location without having to leave the (noisy) construction site, if the surveyor my client hired was wrong in the location of the gas mains underground.

  27. As the Superintendent of a building, I’m glad that sending a warning to the utility company about an in-apartment gas leak is as easy as sending a text, because I’ve come across older tenants who leave the gas on for hours without realizing it, so speed can be a necessity there.

  28. As a concerned neighbor, I’m glad to know if there’s been a gas leak reported in my neighborhood, because it gives me peace of mind.

  29. As an Urban Studies professor, I want to find out if minority neighborhoods are served as well as “gentrified” neighborhoods, when it comes to repairs and maintenance, so that infrastructure is shared equitably in society.

  30. As a picky new home buyer, I want to know about the pothole and gas leak tendencies of an area I'm shopping in.

  31. As a business owner, I want to know where I should open up my new auto shop based on pothole tendencies of an area.

  32. As an Uber driver, I would love it if Google Maps would optimize routes based on pothole tendencies so I don't have to risk damaging my car driving over them.

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