Seta:Gpu Mini - Honguito98/Seta-Engine-for-Batch-games GitHub Wiki

The most basic game engine almost ready to use.


  • Easy to program
  • Basic collision detection
  • Custom color per line
  • Basic load/save state

Has some drawbacks:

  • Slow rendering
  • Does not work on Windows XP
  • Limimted char variety
  • Limited colors
  • Limited keyboard keystroke detection: no special keys like arrow keys, F# Keys, just alphanumeric keys.


Programing is done by modifiying the engine itself. The source code have comments about it is functionality. So, download and edit your copy of Seta:Gpu Mini!

Changing screen layout

You can add nice player status by adding a small piece of code. First you will need to locate the text:

  %== Screen Rendering ==%
  Set Key=&Cls
  For /F "Tokens=1-2" %%x in ("!XMin! !XMax!") Do (
  	For /L %%a in (!YMin!,1,!YMax_!) Do (
  		Findstr /A:!C[%%a]! "." "!L[%%a]:~%%x,%%y!?\..\Tmp"
  Echo;Coins: !Coins!

In this case, will show 'coins: #' below of our level content. If you want that this text appears on top the level, swap the Echo;Coins: !Coins! line to the For.

For example:

  %== Screen Rendering ==%
  Set Key=&Cls
  Echo;Lives: !Lives!   Score: !Score!    Coins: !Coins!    Level: !Level!
  For /F "Tokens=1-2" %%x in ("!XMin! !XMax!") Do (
  	For /L %%a in (!YMin!,1,!YMax_!) Do (
  		Findstr /A:!C[%%a]! "." "!L[%%a]:~%%x,%%y!?\..\Tmp"

Changing keystroke behavior

Here you can change what action will do a specific keystroke. Remeber that alphanumeric character, BackSpace(BS) and CarriageReturn(CR or Enter key) are supported.

  %== KeyBoard Support ==%
  For /F "Delims=" %%K In ('Xcopy /W "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>Nul') Do (
  	If Not Defined Key (
  		Set "Key=%%K"
  		set "key=!Key:~-1!"
  If /i "!Key!" Equ "a" Set Player.Dir=H -
  If /i "!Key!" Equ "d" Set Player.Dir=H +
  If /i "!Key!" Equ "w" Set Player.Dir=V -
  If /i "!Key!" Equ "s" Set Player.Dir=V +
  If "!Key!" Equ "!BS!" Goto :Menu
  If "!Key!" Equ "!CR!" (
  	%== Enter Key ==%
  	Call :Pause

Changing collision behavior

The Err variable specifies if X object has collided with Y.

Value Description
-1 Undefined
0 No collision
1 Collide (stop step forward)

The %%3 variable indicates the owner of event i.e the entity that displaced to another location. While the !Chr! variable holds the 'object type' (a wall, coin, enemy, etc). To 'pick up' a character you may want to remove it by setting the Chr variable to, for example, ground character.

  	%== Put Here The Conditions ==%
  	%== Follow The Example ==%
  	%== If is Player Then... If Your Next Step It's a Block Do Nothing==%
  	If !Err! Equ -1 (
  		If /i "%%3" Equ "Player" (
  			If "!Chr!" Equ "%Border%" Set Err=1
  			If "!Chr!" Equ "%Floor%"  Set Err=1
  			If "!Chr!" Equ "%Floor2%"  Set Err=1

  			If "!Chr!" Equ "%Coin%"  (
  				Set/a Coins+=1
  				%== Remove The Sprite Coin ==%
  				Set "Chr=%Ground%"
  			If !Err! Neq 1 If "!Chr!" Equ "%Exit%" Set End=Win