Home - Honeybunch/WaifuQuest GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the WaifuQuest wiki!

Here you'll find a host of useful info about Waifu Quest!

What is Waifu Quest?

It's a game experiment written in Unity that aims to hybridize the Japanese Role Playing Game (JRPG) and Visual Novel (VN) genres into a unique and fun experience. As the player you traverse an Over World and its various towns Final Fantasy style, but when you enter a battle or random encounter, the game pits you against your foe(s) by having you go through a complex series of dialog with an anthropomorphized version of the traditional monster you would normally fight.

This is being done as part of a 5 week design sprint. After that development may or may not be dropped.

Keep in mind that everything you see here is very much WIP including the title and any code you may find within the repo. Only thing that is certain is that this will be written in Unity.

Check out the other pages if you're looking for specific info including but not limited to:

Building Waifu Quest

Character Designs

Completed Characters

The Game Design


...and probably more later

Can I Help?

Yes! But we're not accepting code :frowning:

We're still in a very primitive state of development and we'd rather not take pull requests right now for anything other than Art. After our 5 weeks of design and prototyping we'll be accepting all sorts of pull requests.