Text (Twilio) - HomeMadePy/messages GitHub Wiki

The text module provides an easy and intuitive interface to construct and send text messages. Currently the only text message service offered is twilio

Twilio API

Twilio(**from_**=None, to=None, auth=None, body='', attachments=None, verbose=False)

  • from_: (str) The phone number the message will originate from, i.e. '+16195553232'.
  • to: (str) [required] The destination phone number.
  • body: (str) [optional] The body text of the message to send. Use body text from a file by setting body=file.read().
  • auth: (list or tuple) twilio api credentials: (acct_sid, auth_token). May use environment variables to pull auth credentials or whatever means you feel necessary.
  • attachments: (str) [optional] a url, who's content you wish to attach in the message, such as a url for a picture.
  • verbose: (bool) [optional] print verbose output.


After instantiating a Twilio object, using the API above, the following method can be used to send the message:

  • send(): sends the message synchronously



>>> from messages import Twilio
>>> t = Twilio(
              auth=('ACjfkldjl', 'asdjfklsdfianfd'), 
>>> t.send()         
Message sent...

Twilio Service

In order to use this service, you must register with twilio, purchase a from_ number, and get the required API credentials. This is a paid service.