Hardware Setup - HomeKidd/ESP8266-Homekit-Smart-Blinds GitHub Wiki

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Hardware setup


Since these projects are involve some soldering I highly recommend to buy a soldering iron before starting assemble it! Personally I'm using a 10$ one from Aliexpress, but since I have to solder SMD parts for the PCBs I've ordered a Soldering station like in the picture 😄 Soldering Iron
Soldering Station 1
Soldering Station 2
Hot Air Soldering Gun

List of parts

USB TTL adapter
NodeMCU or Wemos D1 Mini
ULN2003 Stepper Controller
28BYJ-48 5V Stepper Motor
BH1750 Light Sensor (with Lens)
Jumper cables

Connections for v2.x.x

  • I2C bus pins for BH1750 Light Sensor on ESP12E/F boards are GPIO5 - SCL and GPIO4 - SDA. If you are using Wemos D1 mini, I2C pins are SCL - D1 and SDA - D2!

  • This sensor also has an option for resetting to factory default. Long pressing for 10 seconds a button connected to GPIO0 and GND will reset the ESP!



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