Setup - HomeKidd/ESP8266-HomeKit-Air-Quality-Sensor-Elgato-Eve-Room GitHub Wiki

Wi-Fi Setup

You must configure wifi network before adding the accessory to HomeKit. To configure Wi-Fi settings, device generates its own Wi-Fi in AP mode. You must connect to it in order to setup your Wi-Fi network.

Simply take your iOS device, go to Setting -> Wi-Fi, and search for an SSID called HomeKid- followed by the module's MAC address and connect to it. For security reasons the AP is password protected!

Default AP password: 12345678

Wait a few seconds until a web appears showing you all Wi-Fi networks that the device has found. Select yours, and enter password then click the Join button! The module will try to connect the selected Wi-Fi network, this will take a couple of seconds.

Note: If the given password is wrong, you can Reset the Wi-fi settings by holding the Reset button for 10sec

HomeKit Setup

In your iOS device, open Home App and follow normal steps to add a new accessory.
Pairing setup takes about 30 seconds.

Default  HomeKit code is 486-74-917.

Also You can scan this HomeKit QR code:

Note: If pairing fails, you can unpower your device, repower it, and start HomeKit setup again (Wifi settings keep configured)

Sensor Fault Detection

I've added HomeKit Characteristic for detecting general fault.
If the DHT22 and/or the iAQ Core-C sensor doesn't work properly, HomeKit will nofify you about this problem!

Display Type

A lot of people reported errors, weird text/images with the "correct" SSD1306 display, so i've dig deeper into the problem: Chinese stores are selling SH1106 as SSD1306 OLED displays, they look similar but the driver is not the same! Now both SSD1306 and SH1106 screens are supported. If you experiencing any weird text/image issues now you can triple press the button to change between SSD1306 and SH1106 display types, the ESP8266 will save the config and reboot with the correct setup and your display should work 😄 Default display type is SSD1306!


Resetting device to factory defaults

The code has a Reset function in case of something goes wrong. Wait about 5 seconds to allow device to boot completely, and then long press the button for at least 10sec! For preventing accidental resetting after 30 seconds from boot the reset function is disabled! You need to reboot the device and long press within 30 seconds from boot!

Note: Single pressing the same button will toggle the LED strip ON or OFF

All configured settings has been removed and device is restarting. This removes HomeKit and Wi-Fi settings, and your device will go to Access Point mode next time in order to reconfigure Wi-Fi.

Reconnecting to Wifi network

If wifi network becomes unreachable, device will keep searching Wi-Fi automatically until it can connect again when Wi-Fi becomes available.

If your ESP8266 module doesn't have physical button attached, you can use jumper wires to connect GPIO0 and GND for 10 seconds.

Note: Resetting the accessory may not remove it from the Home app, you need to do it manually after resetting! Before resetting the LED strip will flashing red 3 times, which indicates the start of Reset process!


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️