Level 2 - HolmesSquad/Project-Three GitHub Wiki

Level 2

Level 2 also allows you to place a robot and different types of treasures and a score for each type. However, it will also provide you with a wishlist which will allow you to choose how many of each type of treasure you want the robot to collect. The robot will collect the closest treasure and gather as many of the treasures you said in the wishlist as possible within a given time. If the robot gets the required amount of one type of treasure, it will not collect more of said treasure. If the robot/s have found the required amount of treasures, the program will then sort and display the treasures by either ascending or descending order of the treasure scores.


Start Button
Start Button
The Start Button will start the program by bringing up the Score Assignment Window.

Pause Button
Pause Button
The Pause Button will stop the timer and robot until the pause button is pressed again.

Level Select Button
Level Select Button
The Level Select Button opens the Level Select Window.


Score Assignment Window
The Score Assignment Window allows you to assign a score each type a treasure, these scores are how the program sorts the treasure once the robot has finished collecting them or time runs out.

Treasure Window
The Treasure Window allows you to select how many treasures you wish to place, the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 15 on Level 1.

Robot Window
The Robot Window allows you to enter how many robots you'd like to place, on Level 1 the maximum is 2.

Timer Window
The Timer Window allows you to enter a time limit for the robot to collect the treasure, a value must be entered here. If the robot doesn't collect any treasure then the program will not sort or complete.

Level Select Window
The Level Select Window lets you decide what level you wish to go to from each level.

Sort-by Window
The sort by window allows you to decide whether to tell the program to sort the treasures by ascending or descending.

Wishlist Window
This is the wishlist. This is asking you how much of each treasure you want the robot to collect. The first box under Quantity is asking you how much square type treasures you want the robot to collect, the second is asking you how much triangle treasures you want the robot to collect and finally, the last box is asking you how much circle treasures you want the robot to collect. Please make sure to enter the right amount and not a wrong value. E.g. if you have place 5 square treasures but want it to collect 7, it will get an error.


Treasures are what the robot collects, each has a different colour and shape, the score is defined in the Score Assignment Window.
Square Treasure
Square Treasure
Shape = Square
Colour = Blue
Score =

Circle Treasure
Circle Treasure
Shape = Circle
Colour = Yellow
Score =

Triangle Treasure
Triangle Treasure
Shape = Triangle
Colour = Green
Score =


The robot collects the closest treasure and will continue to collect the treasure until it has it all or until time runs out.