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Conflict exists when one person has a need of another and that need is not being met.


Five Stages of A Team

  • Forming
  • Storming
  • Norming
  • Performing
  • Adjourning


  • Establish team norms 建立团队规范
  • How they intend to work together
  • Leader will guide the direction
  • Six cultural dimensions
    • Individualism - Collectivism 个人主义 - 集体主义
    • Power Distance Index 权力距离指数
    • Uncertainty Avoidance Index 不确定性规避指数
    • Masculinity [ˌmæskjuˈlɪnəti] - Femininity [ˌfeməˈnɪnəti] 男性化 - 女性化
    • Long Term Orientation / Short Term Orientation 长期定向 / 短期定向
    • Indulgence [ɪnˈdʌldʒəns] - Restrain [rɪˈstreɪn] 放纵 - 克制

High Power Distance Index and Uncertainty Avoidance Index

Members tend not to voice their opinions or initiate action during the meeting. There is generally a desire for harmony or conformity. Hence, decisions made by the leader in a group are often unchallenged. In some cases, it may be wise if the leader recognizes his role in encouraging discussion and it is also useful to appoint a devil's advocate whose purpose is to challenge ideas. If the team is able to discuss freely, they then move to the next stage.


Team members may compete with each other for acceptance of their ideas and status. Hence, different opinions can lead to conflict and participants learn how to solve issues and problems together. 团队成员可能会相互竞争以接受他们的想法和地位。因此,不同的意见会导致冲突,参与者学习如何共同解决问题。

Three Types of Conflict

  • Substantive [səbˈstæntɪv] Conflict 实质性冲突
    • Occurs when there are disagreements about the content of the task or the performance of the task.

  • Procedural [prəˈsiːdʒərəl] Conflict 程序冲突
    • Disagreements can take place over how a goal is achieved, or even unhappiness over how to resolve a disagreement instead of the disagreement itself.

  • Effective Conflict 有效冲突
    • Sometimes there is an underlying reason for the conflict which is linked to EQ.


Five styles of conflict management

  • Assertive [əˈsɜːtɪv] 坚决主张的
  • Cooperative [kəʊˈɒpərətɪv] 配合的
  • Competing [kəmˈpiːtɪŋ] 竞争
  • Collaborating [kəˈlæbəreɪtɪŋ] 合作
  • Avoiding [əˈvɔɪdɪŋ] 避免
  • Accommodating [əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ] 包容
  • Compromising [ˈkɒmprəmaɪzɪŋ] 妥协


For example, you could be a very accommodating person who is constantly cooperating with others, even at your own expense. This could be a good strategy when the other person is an expert with a better solution, or when it is more important to preserve future relations.
例如,你可能是一个非常乐于助人的人,经常与他人合作,甚至不惜自费。 当另一个人是具有更好解决方案的专家时,或者当保持未来关系更重要时,这可能是一个很好的策略。


You could also be someone who avoids the issue by remaining uncooperative and unassertive. This strategy is fine when the issue is trivial or when you need space in an emotionally charged situation. However, it isn't a very good long term strategy.
你也可能是一个通过保持不合作和不自信来避免这个问题的人。 当问题微不足道或在情绪激动的情况下需要空间时,此策略很好。 然而,这不是一个很好的长期战略。


Now, instead of avoiding, one could be on the other end of the spectrum by being assertive and Competing with others without cooperating with others. This isn't always bad, as it could be effective and even appropriate during emergencies where quick decisions need to be made. This style would also be appropriate when you need to stand up for your rights or values, or even when you need to end a long term conflict, and you have to ​support.
现在,与其回避,不如通过果断和与他人竞争而不与他人合作而处于光谱的另一端。 这并不总是坏事,因为它在需要快速做出决定的紧急情况下可能是有效的,甚至是合适的。 当您需要为自己的权利或价值观挺身而出,甚至需要结束长期冲突而您必须支持时,这种风格也很合适。


Another style of management, which ends up in a lose-lose situation when neither party achieves what they want is when one takes on the compromising style. This may be appropriate only for temporary solutions or if a dateline is rapidly approaching.
另一种管理风格,当双方都没有达到他们想要的结果时,最终会陷入双输局面,那就是当一个人采取妥协的风格时。 这可能仅适用于临时解决方案或日期变更线正在迅速接近的情况。


For more important relationships that require trust, time and effort or complex scenarios with multiple perspectives, it is useful to collaborate and work together to achieve a win win-win solution.

Sum Up

Even after a team is formed, it is likely that you will go through a period of storming and conflicts occur. It is useful to discern the reason for the conflict by understanding whether it is a substantive, procedural or affective conflict and recognize the conflict management style that your team member and you prefer. This can include accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing and compromising style of conflict management.
即使组建了团队,也很可能会经历一段风风雨雨,冲突不断。 通过了解冲突是实质性的、程序性的还是情感性的冲突并识别您的团队成员和您喜欢的冲突管理方式来辨别冲突的原因是有用的。 这可以包括适应、避免、合作、竞争和妥协的冲突管理方式。


Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people with divergent positions with the intention of reaching a consensual and hopefully beneficial outcome.



  • Preparation
    • To begin, it is always wise to prepare by analyzing the situation or problem that you are in, understanding the history of relationships and past outcomes and deciding on the desired outcomes or goals. But of course it is also useful to think about the best alternative to a negotiated agreement.

    首先,通过分析您所处的情况或问题、了解关系的历史和过去的结果并决定期望的结果或目标来做好准备总是明智的。 但当然,考虑谈判协议的最佳替代方案也是有用的。
  • Discussion
  • Negotiation
  • Agreement
  • Finally Implementation
    • During a discussion, it is useful to clarify the situation and desired goals of all parties so that you can work towards a positive win-win outcome during the negotiation and hopefully reach an agreement and implementation of the outcome.


Now, it is possible that your personal tendencies affect the way you negotiate.
Hence, It is useful to know your conflict management style or negotiation style, which may be a strength or weakness depending on the context.
It is also possible that some negotiating parties may employ some tactics [ˈtæktɪks], which make the situation more complex.
For example, some may have extreme demands upfront before they are willing to make small concessions, while some make non negotiable offers. Some also exaggerate information to throw the other party off guard. Hence, you could name the tactic before laying your ground, but you must have a clear sense of your desired outcomes and know your best alternative.
例如,有些人可能在愿意做出小的让步之前就提出了极端的要求,而有些人则提出了不可协商的要约。 有些人还会夸大信息,让对方措手不及。 因此,您可以在奠定基础之前命名策略,但您必须清楚地了解您想要的结果并知道您的最佳选择。


During the actual discussion and negotiation, culture may affect how a person communicates verbally and non verbally. Hence, participants need to have emotional control and listen actively by using verbal and nonverbal cues to understand what the participants are actually trying to say.
在实际的讨论和谈判过程中,文化可能会影响一个人的口头和非口头交流方式。 因此,参与者需要通过使用语言和非语言线索来控制情绪并积极倾听,以了解参与者实际想说的内容。

  • High Context
    • In high context collectivist cultures, not everything is said and a lot of unspoken information is exchanged. Hence, you need to read between the lines. The focus here is long term relationships.

  • Low Context
    • However, in low context individualistic cultures, there is generally a focus on the task, and hence the building of short term relationships. In these contexts, information is mostly explicit.

    然而,在低语境个人主义文化中,通常关注任务,因此也关注建立短期关系。 在这些情况下,信息大多是明确的。

Direct vs Indirect

  • Direct
    • Example: Why haven't you submitted a market researcher report? It's been three days. Can you submit your report as soon as possible.
    • Straightforward and direct messages reveals through intentions, opinions and feelings. And the sender is responsible for effective encoding of the message, and the receiver relies mainly on specific words to decode the message.

    直接和直接的信息通过意图、意见和感受来揭示。 而发送方负责对消息进行有效编码,接收方主要依靠特定的词来对消息进行解码。
  • Indirect
    • Example: It's been a stressful season for all of us, and I understand that you have quite a lot of projects to see, too. If you don't mind, could you send the market research report to me soon so I can work on the overall report?
    • On the other hand, indirect messages camouflage true intentions, opinions and feelings, and this is often to maintain harmony and avoid face threatening acts.

    In such situations, receivers are responsible for decoding the camouflage content based on the context, norms, speaker's identity and position, as well as non-verbal cues.

Self-enhancenment 自我提升 vs Self-effacement [ɪˈfeɪsmənt] 自我谦避

  • Self-enhancenment
    • Example: Thank you very much for the recognition. It was really challenging, crunching numbers and coming up with a foolproof financial plan. This took many late nights, but I'm glad the client appreciated it.
  • Self-effacement
    • Example: It really wasn't such a big deal. Perhaps I'm lucky. I must say, I had a lot of support from my team. They worked really hard on this financial plan.

We can see two distinct replies. One enhances self by focusing on what he has done. While the other effaces what he has done by making himself appear insignificant. In Individualistic cultures, employees can be and are expected to be open and direct about their personal achievements, while cultures that promote collectivism and social harmony usually require employees to have verbal restraint and talk modestly.
我们可以看到两个不同的回复。 一个人通过专注于他所做的事情来增强自我。 而另一个则通过让自己显得微不足道来抹去他所做的一切。 在个人主义文化中,员工可以而且应该对他们的个人成就保持开放和直接的态度,而提倡集体主义和社会和谐的文化通常要求员工保持言语克制和谦虚。

Elaborate 详尽的 vs Understated 淡雅的

  • Elaborate
    • Example: The financial plan was a fabulous idea. It's a tremendous feat to be able to knock our competitors and clinch the deal. Well Done!
  • Understated
    • Well Done!

we can see that more expressive language is used and this is sometimes delivered with exaggeration and animation. While the more understated way of communicating could even employ silence as a control strategy. The use of social discretion is seen as more trustworthy in some cultures.
我们可以看到使用了更具表现力的语言,并且有时会通过夸张和动画来表达。 而更低调的沟通方式甚至可以采用沉默作为控制策略。 在某些文化中,社会自由裁量权的使用被视为更值得信赖。

  • Be concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt] - avoid ambiguous terms (e.g. best)要具体 - 避免模棱两可的术语
    • Bad: Our proposal is the best among the competition!
    • Good: Our proposal focuses on the untapped rural market rather than an already saturated urban market.
  • Choose words wisely - be aware of implications明智地选择词语 - 注意含义
    • Bad: To be honest, we may not be able to complete the project in six months. (平时不honest?)
    • Bad: Trust me, i understand the market. (还没有到trust的地步)
    • Good: I understand that the market is volatile, but I'm confident that I'll be able to grow your assets in five years.
  • Lead them to their own conclusion - avoid aggressive language引导他们得出自己的结论 - 避免攻击性语言
    • Bad: You want the best service, don't you? (aggressive咄咄逼人的)
    • Bad: The company deserves the best support, right? (aggressive咄咄逼人的)
    • Good: Are you interested in having 24 hour technical support? You may want to consider the premium package for access to all training materials as well as support round the clock.
  • Use positive language - change your tone使用积极的语言 - 改变你的语气
    • Bad: We cannot accede to your request.
    • Good: I understand your constraint, I'm afraid that this cannot be done.
  • Put yourself in their shoes - understand their needs设身处地为他们着想 - 了解他们的需求
    • Good: I understand your constraints. I'm afraid that this cannot be done. Would you consider changing a supplier as this may bring you closer to your objective?
    • Bad: * need to sell 200 units to hit my quota.*
    • Good: In order to get the best price, i suggest purchasing at least 200 units of this product.

筹码Bargaining Chip[ˈbɑːɡənɪŋ tʃɪp]
Need to have some resources and chips to put yourself in a competitive position.
Never create bad blood between you and anyone since you might eventually meet again.


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