TSAL - HolgerStenberg/WikiforFormula GitHub Wiki


Tractive System Active Lights (TSAL) is a system that is mandatory for the EV-class. The purpose of this system is to provide the car with a light indication of the Tractive System's (TS) state. When the battery is fully disconnected from the vehicle for instance, there's no risk of the vehicle accelerating or for any individual to receive en electrical shock - hence the car is safe. It is TSAL's job to give a clear visual representation of that. It is also designed to detect when there's an error in the system. All this is done by collecting voltages from various places in the car's Tractive system, monitor isolation relays and evaluate these signals with a logic gate structure.

*As of 2019, the colors of the various states are the following:* GREEN continuously emitting - Car is safe. RED flashing - TS is active. No light - System malfunctioning.


For FSG 2020, TSAL must comply with the the rules in EV4.10 From an electrical design point of view, the important rules are: EV 4.10.2, EV 4.10.3, EV 4.10.5, EV 4.10.8 and EV 4.10.10-14

TSAL Systems that have been developed

TSAL 1.0