Visualization - HolDCSim/HolDCSim GitHub Wiki

Visualization Tool


We are currently developing a Power Visualization Tool to be paired with the simulator. Worked on by Greg Kahl, supported by REU supplement under the NSF Award.


The Visualization tool formats the simulator's output from command line tables to visual graphs so the data is easy to analyze.


In addition to the tables, the Visualization Tool produces graphs showing the sleep states of both switches and servers within the simulation. It produces graphs that show the total number of devices in each of the sleep states throughout the duration of the simulation, and can also show the sleep state trace of specific devices specified by the user.


It also produces figures of the topology for smaller simulations (k=4) to show a 'heatmap' of the sleep states each of the devices is in throughout the duration of the simulation. This helps the user analyze the regions of the data center which are used in the current simulation. Finally, an animation of the topology is also generated, which divides the simulation into multiple windows and shows the average sleep state throughout each of the windows. The animation takes the figure to the next level, allowing the user to visualize both which regions of the data center are being used, and when they are being used.

Figures and Animations