Features - HolDCSim/HolDCSim GitHub Wiki


Multi-Core, Multi-Socket server, and Multi-linecard Switch simulations Server are modeled as multiple cores on multiple socket with their own job execution queues and frequency state. The power model takes this into account for Server power calculation. Similarly, Switches are modeled to have multiple line-cards on a common chassis, with their own buffering and performance and power states.

Packet or Flow level communication Network communication can be modeled on a packet level or flow-based for faster simulation.

Implement Server Job scheduling policies Server CPU allocation and frequency state transition policies. The policies can have a holistic view of the entire data center, for instance, Server CPU scheduling can affect and depend on the network performance scheduling.

Simplified implementation data center network Routing algorithms Users can implement centralized or distributed network routing algorithms for inter-task communication.

Specifying advanced dynamic power (frequency based) and sleep state policies Server CPU performance can be mapped according to the server clock speed(S-state) or server sleep (C-state) state transition.

Visualization of network link utilization Heatmap Summary and animated views of the network traffic simulation studies.

Output statistics on job latency and energy consumption of each component of the data center The simulator outputs the various percentile job latencies and energy consumption statistics of each architectural component of servers and switches to allow architects to know where further optimization can be focused.

Features additions coming soon:

Data center cooling infrastructure modeling Support specifiying server temperature profiles for studying power efficiency of the cooling infrastructure .