Concepts - HoeenCoder/Cities GitHub Wiki


All the concepts and ideas for Cities are stored here. This page is used as a kind of archive, storing information for reference.

Concept Art and information for Cities (Outdated)

Concept for upgrading your city.

Cities Upgrades Suggestions

Normal tent info:

  • Workers: 2
  • Soldiers: 2
  • Number required to move tent (cant work/defend): 1/2 of each (1 worker, 1 soldier)

Stat upgrades: A group of stats can be boosted by the user as they level up. Like in, but it might also cost resources.

Possible stats to use for this:

  • Tent health - Max health
  • Repair speed - How fast tents heal, destroyed tents come back when they have full health again.
  • Unit speed - How fast workers and soldiers move
  • Unit Health - How much health units have
  • Efficiency - How fast workers work
  • Damage - How much damage soldiers do
  • Respawn - How fast units respawn after dying
  • Tent speed - How fast tents move

Clans/Classes/Other Name for this:

  • Players choose one at level X (early on but not really early)'
  • Clans are an upgrade to your city so it will cost resources to do it.
  • Each Clan/Class/Other gives unique boosts to the city
  • There are sub clans/classes/others that can be chosen at a higher level.
  • CLANS/CLASSES/OTHER ARE NOT ON THE SAME TEAM. Its every player for him/her self.

The 4 Clans/Classes/Other Name things... :

  1. Nomadic:
  • Specializes in moving around the map more often.
  • Normally a city only has half of its units out when moving, nomads have ALL of their units out when moving. (they carry/drag stuff on horseback allowing them to do work while moving stuff)
  • Possible unit movement speed nerf while moving tents.
  • When stationary they receive a unit speed boost.
  1. [UNNAMED](Stationary):
  • Specializes in remaining stationary more often.
  • Has a increased Field of Vision (FOV) allowing them to see farther and allows units to travel farther.
  • Has an arrow pointing to the nearest enemy?
  • Possible Health buff when stationary.
  1. [UNNAMED](More Tents):
  • Specializes in the number of tents in its city.
  • Normally when a user upgrades to a clan/sub-clan (or other names), they get +1 tent.
  • This class give +2 tents for this upgrade.
  • Possibly some other buff?
  1. [UNNAMED](Better Units):
  • Specializes in better units for the city.
  • Passively increases Efficiency (and maybe damage).
  • Units use resources such as iron and wood (whatever we choose as the recourses that do not instantly become points) to improve themselves for as long as they supply keeps up.
  • Possibly get more units than other clans/classes/others?