HQMVector - HockeyQuestionMark/HockeyEditor GitHub Wiki

Vectors are used to explain object's position, velocity, etc.

For positions, values range on the ice from:

  • X: 0 to 30
  • Y: 0+ (above the ice)
  • Z: 0 to 61


new HQMVector(Float x, Float y, Float z)

Creates a new vector with given x, y, z components.


  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Static Constant Variables

Name Returns Description
Zero HQMVector A HQMVector with all components set to 0.
Centre HQMVector A HQMVector set to the centre of the ice
RedNet HQMVector A HQMVector set to the centre of the goal line in the red net (default position)
BlueNet HQMVector A HQMVector set to the centre of the goal line in the blue net (default position)


Property Returns Description Read Only?
Magnitude Float The length of the vector Yes
Normalized HQMVector The same vector with a magnitude of 1 Yes