Journal Week 5 - HoangMinh45/CS526 GitHub Wiki

CS 526 F20****15 Computer Graphics 2 : Weekly Research and Project Journal

I. Articles Summary

1. Ramallo, Fernando, and Brendan Byrne. "Panoramical." ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Emerging Technologies. ACM, 2015.
Article link
An immersive sound and graphic game, where users use MIDI controller or game controller to manipulate the sound composition or landscape. User has all the freedom for the control, and the result is limitless, depend on their creativity and playfulness.

Website link

2. Jacobson, Alec, et al. "Tangible and modular input device for character articulation." Proceedings of the adjunct publication of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. ACM, 2014.
Article link

In this paper, the researchers use magnets and Hall-effect sensors to make an input device that can control virtual character in animation. It helps to accelerate the process of animation, in which the animator has to modify intricate movement of virtual characters.

3. Wang, Yu, and Marc Olano. "Rigid fluid." ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters. ACM, 2015.
Article link

In this paper, the researchers extend the SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic) to visualize the change between solid phase and fluid phase of substance.

II. Inventing Abstraction

This week, we study about the movement that started Abstractionism in the early 20th century. Each of us choose an artist and one of his/her work that we found interesting and try to recreate the work in Three.js. I chose the artist David Bomberg and his dynamic painting "On the hold". Below is the original painting of David Bomberg
And here is my interpretation
Click here for sourcecode
To some extent, I have succeeded in mimic the composition of David Bomberg's original painting, it still lacks the orderedness and dynamism of the original version. Further refinement would be needed.