Overview - HoBoS-TaCo/hPermissions GitHub Wiki

hPermissions can be broken up into two parts: Player and Group.

hPermissions has a folder structure as follows:

*The config is now yaml.


Groups are created by making a new groupname.yml file in the Groups directory. The directory and default groups are created the first time hPermissions is run and the Groups folder isn’t found.

name: Moderator
displayName: Mod
nextGroup: Admin
prevGroup: Moderator
commandDisabled: true
- hpermissions.reload
- hpermissions.promote
- hpermissions.set
- hpermissions.demote
prefix: 'Newbie '

name: – Should be the identical to the groupname in the class name. REQUIRED.

displayName: – Unused by hPermissions but can be used by external mods as the displayable group name.

nextGroup: – The group the players in this group will be promoted to next.

prevGroup: – The group the players in this group will be demoted to.

commandDisabled – If true users cannot be promoted, demoted or set to this rank by commands. Useful for stopping moderators promoting themselves to admin.

perms: – Permissions for the group. To be formatted as the example above. Groups do not inherit the prevGroup’s permissions. For example, ‘hpermissions.promote’ should be in both the Moderator and Admin class if you wish for them both to use it.

prefix: – Unused by hPermissions but can be used by external mods.

suffix: – Unused by hPermissions but can be used by external mods.


Players are created by making a new username.yml file in the Players directory. The directory is created the first time a player joins the server, along with that player’s default player.yml file.

username: HoBoS_TaCo

prefix: – Unused by hPermissions but can be used by external mods.

suffix: – Unused by hPermissions but can be used by external mods.

username: – Should be the identical to the player’s username . REQUIRED.

group: – the player’s current group.

allaccess: – The player can use any command.

perms: – Permissions for the player. To be formatted as the example above. Players inherit their group’s permissions. For example, ‘hpermissions.promote’ can be in both or either the player’s file an the player’s group’s file.


The config file for hPermissions created in the hPermissions directory.

debug: false
defaultGroup: Default

debug – If true hPermissions will log more data into the console, useful if you get errors and need to find out what’s causing it.

defaultGroup – The group new players are automatically put into. Should match the group name exactly.

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