Stand ups & meetings: day 02, data flow between RPi and server - Hives/makers-weather-station GitHub Wiki

We discussed the planned data flow between the RPi and the server. This is a simplified version planned for the MVP:

  • A cronjob on the RPi will run every 60 seconds, say, which will trigger our Python program
  • The Python program will read data from the weather sensors (for the MVP we will probably mock this data), convert it to JSON, and send it to the server via an HTTP puts request.
  • On the server is running our Mongo/Express app. This will receive the HTTP request from the RPi and save the JSONified data into the database.

Then there will be a second request cycle between a web client and the server:

  • The client makes an HTTP get request to the server for the index page.
  • The server fetches the saved data from the database, formats it with a view, and sends the resulting web page back to the client.
  • For the MVP the web page should present, let's say, the last 10 recordings in table format.

MVP planning