Installation Guide - Hivefication/Hive GitHub Wiki

Server settings

Setting the server environment

First, some tools need to be installed on a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 instance:


$ sudo apt-get install git

Download Hivefication

$ git clone


Install the DB $ sudo apt-get install mongodb And run it $ sudo service mongodb start

NodeJS suite

Depending on your distribution, you can do: $ sudo apt-get install nodejs

But this will probably install version 0.6.x on Ubuntu 12.04 while 0.8.x is required. Follow the instructions here to have node installed instead:

Now add the Node Package Manager $ sudo apt-get install npm

Please note that the nodejs application comes with all its dependencies pre-packaged to avoid installation version issues.

Finally, run the node server, on the same directory, with $ nodejs index.js &

In some Ubuntu machines there is a connection error when using the provided mongodb daemon. In these cases, a solution was to download the binaries from the official mongodb site and then run them on stand-alone.

Meteor suite

Please see the Meteor installation guide provided.

Meteor comes with all its node dependencies pre-packaged to avoid version issues. Just cd to /Hive/meteor-server and execute the provided script. $ ./

Using Hivefication

  • Mongodb should be running on port 27017. Both the nodejs and the meteor servers are configured to connect to it through localhost and to a DB named 'hive'.
  • The nodejs server provides the REST API, that can be accessed on http://localhost:8888/. You can use a REST client like the plugin Postman for Chrome to use it. Please refer to the available documentation.
  • The meteor server provides the web console interface, accessible on http://localhost:3000/. You can open it on a web browser and use it to interact with the system and see changes in real time.