Resource Configs - Hitonoriol/MadSand GitHub Wiki

Resource Configs

.json configs structure


"int// Tile id" : {
		"damage" : int// per-tick damage to player when standing on this tile,
		"onInteract" : "string// Lua code. Will be executed on interaction with this tile",
		"altItems" : { "int// item type" : [ int list// list of item ids: If player is holding item with specified item_type while interacting with this tile, one item from this list will be picked ] },
		"name" : "string// item name",
		"foreground" : boolean// whether to draw tile as foreground(true) or background(false)


	"int// Object id" : {
		"hp" : int// Object HP, if it reaches 0, object gets deleted from Map,
		"harvestHp" : int// Amount of successful interactions with this object per hp decrement,
		"lvl" : int// Minimum skill level to interact with this object,
		"nocollide" : boolean// Whether play can go through this object(true) or can't(false),
		"maskWidth" : int// Collision mask width -- for objects larger than 1x1 tile,
		"maskHeight" : int// Collision mask height,
		"altItems" : { "int// item type" : [int list// same as in tiles.json] },
		"onInteract" : "string// Lua code -- same as in tiles.json",
		"skill" : "Skill enum string// Skill required to interact with this object",
		"name" : "string// Name of the object"
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️