Standard Commands - Hitmare/unlockPTB GitHub Wiki

This library includes four Standard Commands:

  • getAuthkey - Generates an Authkey for the unlock Command. Usage: /getAuthkey <chat_id>
  • unlock- With this Command you can unlock the Bot inside the Channel. Usage: /unlock <Authkey> inside of the Channel
  • lock- With this Command you can lock the Bot inside of the Channel. Usage: /lock inside of the Channel
  • lockstatus - Displays the Lock Status of the Channel. Usage: /lockstatus inside of the Channel

How to add?

You can copy all four Commands into your custom Command folder or add the following path to your custom Command array inside of your hook.php



$commands_path = [
__DIR__ . '/Commands/',
__DIR__ . '/vendor/hitmare/unlockptb/Commands/',
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