Prepare python environment - HiroyukiTsujino/JRA55-do GitHub Wiki

Building your python environment

In preparation for input4MIPs, data must be CMORized. In this package, this is done using python scripts. We must prepare a python environment with the latest version of CMOR. Following is an example of building an environment using anaconda3 distribution.

Installing Anaconda

   $ bash ./
  • Suppress automatic loading of the basic environment.
   $ conda config --set auto_activate_base false
  • Add search paths for getting python modules.
   $ conda config --apend channels conda-forge
   $ conda config --get channels  # this is to check your search path
    --add channels 'conda-forge'   # lowest priority
    --add channels 'defaults'   # highest priority

Build your own environment with the latest CMOR

  • Create a python environment customized for your preference.
   $ conda create --name mypy38 python=3.8
  • Install necessary packages to use CMOR in your environment (mypy38).
   $ conda activate mypy38
   $ conda install cdms2
   $ conda update cdms2
   $ conda install cmor
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