Preparation - HiroyukiTsujino/JRA55-do GitHub Wiki

Codes/Scripts to process data

  • Clone the JRA55-do package to your home directory.
  $ git clone JRA55-do
  • Hereafter, JRA55-do directory in the home region is referred to as HOMEDIR.

Constant data (mask, adjustment factor) used for processing

     $ cd ${DATADIR}
     $ tar xvfz JRA55-do-const-data.tgz
     $ tar xvfz JRA55-do-to-COBESST-table.tgz
     $ tar xvfz JRA55-do-corrfac-v1_3-v1_5.tgz
  • Additionally in DATADIR, create the following directories

    • products (to store dataset product)
    • work (to store temporary files for processing)
  • In work directory, create the following directories

    • jra55fcst_3hr_TL319r
    • jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319r
    • jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319
  • Also in work directory, make a symbolic link from jra55fcst_3hr_TL319 to jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319.

  $ ln -s jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319 jra55fcst_3hr_TL319

Space for saving COBE-SST

     $ cd ${COBESST}
     $ tar xvfz COBESST-const-data.tgz
  • In COBESST, create daily and monthly directories.
    • In daily directory, create grib, grads, and netCDF directories
    • In monthly directory, create grads and yyyymm directories

Make symbolic links to data directories from HOMEDIR/linkdir

  $ cd ${HOMEDIR}
  $ cd linkdir
  $ ln -s ${DATADIR}/corrfac corrfac
  $ ln -s ${DATADIR}/data data
  $ ln -s ${DATADIR}/table.04 table.04
  $ ln -s ${DATADIR}/work work
  $ ln -s ${DATADIR}/products products
  $ ln -s ${COBESST} COBESST

Set environment variables that suit your operating system.

  • Put macros.make in ${HOMEDIR}/setting
  $ cd ${HOMEDIR}
  $ cd settings
  $ ln -s sample/macros.make.front.cx2550 marcos.make # for MRI-CX2550


  • Overall, structure for HOMEDIR (= JRA55-do) should look like the following.
   + linkdir
   |   + data -----> ${DATADIR}/data
   |   + table.04 -> ${DATADIR}/table.04
   |   + corrfac --> ${DATADIR}/corrfac
   |   + work -----> ${DATADIR}/work 
   |   + products -> ${DATADIR}/products
   |   + COBESST --> ${COBESST}
   + settings
       + macros.make
  • Structure for DATADIR (= JRA55-do-data) should look like the following.
   + data
   + table.04
   + corrfac
   + work
   |   + jra55fcst_3hr_TL319r
   |   + jra55fcst_3hr_TL319 -----> jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319
   |   + jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319r
   |   + jra55fcst_filt_3hr_TL319
   + products
  • Structure for COBESST (= COBESST) should look like the following.
   + data
   + daily
   |   + grib
   |   + grads
   |   + netCDF
   + monthly
       + grib
       + grads
       + yyyymm
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