Generate input data for river model - HiroyukiTsujino/JRA55-do GitHub Wiki

Getting the update of JRA-55 forecast and pre-processing

Getting the update of JRA-55 fcst_phyland

  • Get the following 3-hourly runoff data from land obtained from the forecast phase of JRA-55 on a reduced TL319 grid.
    • fcst_phyland (Hist/Daily/fcst_phyland/YYYYMM/fcst_phyland.YYYYMMDDhh).

Pre-processing: Generate input data for CaMa-Flood

  • Go to runoff_mk_input directory.
    • wgrib is used to decode data. Check the tables used to build your wgrib if possible.
    • Execute $ ./ 2020 197 (2020 is the year to be processed, 197 is the last day of that year to which data is available.)
    • In, following programs are executed.
      • Decodes JRA-55 forecast physland (grib) ---> (bin) (on reduced TL319)
      • output --> ../linkdir/work/jra55fcst_v1_3_input_runoff_3hr_TL319r
      • Averages 3-hourly data to daily --> CaMa-Flood input (daily, 0.25x0.25)
      • output --> ../linkdir/work/jra55fcst_v1_3_input_runoff_1dy_025x025