Create dataset product for input4MIPs - HiroyukiTsujino/JRA55-do GitHub Wiki

Flat binary (GrADs) of 1 file for 1-year data.

  • Directory: for_mricom

When data for an entire year becomes available.

  • Edit and for variables to be processed and input/output paths.
  • Execute $ ./ 2017 2017 (After editing variables to be processed.)

When updating data in the middle of a year

  • Edit and for variables to be processed and input/output paths.
  • Execute $ ./ 2020 11 (After editing variables to be processed. The second argument is the end of the day (of year) for an available data)

Copy data to the "product" directory.

  • Output (newdir) →
    • ../linkdir/products/version_1_5/grads (brtmp, ice 以外)
    • ../linkdir/products/support/grads (brtmp, ice)

Intermediate netCDF data

  • In for_omip directory,

  • ./ 2018 2018 07Feb2018 32

    • Output ⇒ ../linkdir/products/version_1_5/netCDF
  • ./ 2018 2018 07Feb2018 32

    • Output ⇒ ../linkdir/products/support/netCDF
  • ./ 2020 2020 28Aug2020 237

    • uses "liquid_runoff_v1_5_nc.sh_template" and "solid_runoff_v1_5_nc.sh_template"
    • Output ⇒ ../linkdir/products/version_1_5/netCDF/[solid_runoff,liquid_runoff]

CMORized files for input4MIPs

     $ ln -s input4MIPs_CV.json.trunk input4MIPs_CV.json 
     ### NOTE: input4MIPs_CV.json.trunk should include an entry for "MRI-JRA55-do-1-5-0".
  • Go to for_omip_cmor/MRI-JMA-JRA55-do-1-5-0 directory.
  • Make symbolic links to input/output directories for this operation (See also there).
    • input_atmos ---> JRA55-do main data
    • input_suppl ---> JRA55-do supplemental data
    • input_clim ---> JRA55-do climatological data
    • input_fx ---> JRA55-do invariant data
    • input4MIPs ---> parent output directory for CMORized data for input4MIPs
    • For example,
    $ ln -s ../../linkdir/products/version_1_5/netCDF input_atmos
    $ ln -s ../../linkdir/products/support/netCDF input_suppl
   ($ ln -s ../../linkdir/products/clim/netCDF input_clim) ... Climatology data is usually unneeded for update.
   ($ ln -s ../../linkdir/products/fx/netCDF input_fx)     ... Constant data (fixed in time) is usually unneeded for update.
    $ ln -s ../../linkdir/products/version_1_5/input4MIPs input4MIPs
  • Edit paths to inputfile in
    • For example,
    inputDict = {}
    inputDict['A3hrPt'] = {}
    key = 'q_10'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key] = {}
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['fileList'] = [
            'input_atmos/'  #  Edit this line to specify the path to your input file for specific humidity.
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['inputVarName'] = 'huss_10m'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['outputVarName'] = 'huss'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['outputUnits'] = '1.0'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['positive'] = ''
    key = 'slp'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key] = {}
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['fileList'] = [
           'input_atmos/'  #  Edit this line to specify the path to your input file for sea level pressure.
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['inputVarName'] = 'psl'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['outputVarName'] = 'psl'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['outputUnits'] = 'Pa'
    inputDict['A3hrPt'][key]['positive'] = ''
  • Also, comment out entries for variables that you have not prepared for CMORize (e.g., those variable fixed in time, climatology, supporting variables).

  • Activate your python environment with the lastest CMOR by executing for example conda activate mypy38. (mypy38 = the name of your env with cmor)

  • Execute

    • Input ← ../../linkdir/products/version_1_5/netCDF (linked to input_atmos)
    • Output → ../../linkdir/products/version_1_5/input4MIPs (linked to input4MIPs)
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