Applying globally constant factors to downward fluxes - HiroyukiTsujino/JRA55-do GitHub Wiki

Apply temporary and globally constant factors to downward fluxes to achieve globally balanced flux over the ocean surface

Downward Radiation

  • A factor is applied to both shortwave and longwave radiation at the surface.

  • In jra55_calib directory, execute the following shell script.

    • $ ./ v1_3 2019 1 1 2020 1 12 # (Specify the day next of the last data)
    • Input ← ../linkdir/work/jra55fcst_v0_7_rad1_3hr_TL319
    • Output → ../linkdir/work/jra55fcst_v1_3_rad2_3hr_TL319


  • A factor is applied to both total precipitation and snowfall.

  • In jra55_calib directory, execute the following shell script.

    • $ ./ v1_3 2019 1 1 2020 1 12 # (Specify the day next of the last data)
    • Input ← ../linkdir/work/jra55fcst_v1_2_prcp_3hr_TL319
    • Output → ../linkdir/work/jra55fcst_v1_3_prcp2_3hr_TL319

Generate Rain data

  • First, make a directory for a new year in ../linkdir/products/version_1_5/grads
  • In jra55_calib directory, execute the following shell script.
    • $ ./ v1_5 2019 1 1 2020 1 12
    • Output ⇒ ../linkdir/work/version_1_5/grads/YYYY (1 file for 1 year)

This completes the entire adjustment processes for the downward fluxes at the sea surface.