Admin: Logging - HiromuHota/pentaho-kettle GitHub Wiki

PDI uses a central logging buffer and writes to the logging backend (Apache Log4j). In addition to Log4j, webSpoon uses java.util.logging (JUL) because Tomcat uses it by default. The table below shows the mapping between log file, logging framework, logger, etc.

Log file location Logging framework Logger What is logged Configuration file
logs/catalina.out JUL * Tomcat + Stdout/err conf/
logs/pdi.log Log4j org.pentaho.di Jobs/Transformations plugins/kettle5-log4j-plugin/log4j.xml
logs/spoon.log Log4j * Other user actions webapps/spoon/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml

You may find some log lines that do not follow this rule. Please report it then I'll fix it.