Geniee Mediation Integration For iOS AdMob English - Hiroaki-Shinoda/Geniee-iOS-SDK GitHub Wiki

Delivery Admob Ads via Geniee SDK

You can deliver Admob Ads from Geniee SDK by using AdMob Adapter For Geniee Mediation.

To start AdMob Adapter For Geniee Mediation, please follow the instructions below;

  1. Start Geniee SDK
    Geniee SDK StartGuide

  2. Implementation of Geniee SDK Banner Ads
    Implementation of Geniee SDK Banner Ads

  3. Start AdMob SDK
    AdMob SDK StartGuide

Implementation of Admob Ads delivery via Geniee SDK

  1. Create Geniee's Ad Source

    Create AdSourcers for AdMob AdsDelivery from the SSP dashboard.
    Set Tag Information in Ad Source.
    Input the contents of the Tag column:

    • label : Advertising SDK identification label, it is possible to set up any content. Example:GNAd-Mediation-Admob
    • class : GNAdMediationAdmobAdapter
    • parameter : This is Information of Admob SDK's ads request, and Admob's ads unit ID.
  2. Add GNAdMediationAdmobAdapter library

    Add project to libGNAdMediationAdmobAdapter.a under libAdsMediation/GNAdMediation/Admob.
    Add link to project "Build Phases" → "Link Binary With Libraries".

  3. Specify -ObjC at "Other Linker Flags" in Build-Setting

    Add -ObjC to "Other Linker Flags" in App target Build-Setting.

Specify device receive test ads (optional)

Please specify device to receive test ads to prevent waste of impressions. This property is only used on development stage.
To verify SDK has been incorporated into the appropriate; please add device to be tested and then click test ads that are displayed.

  1. In console log and then output the identifier of the device in the following manner.

  2. Set DEVICE_IDENTIFIER outputted to "AdmobTestDevice" Key Value of GNAdView.requestExtra.

    <Google> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[ @"2485df3f43e3e4b6e311cfa7a7821335" ];
    //  MyViewController.m
    NSMutableDictionary *requestExtra = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    requestExtra[@"AdmobTestDevice"] = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
    _adView.requestExtra = requestExtra;
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