Variations - Hip-Hop-Xpress/hhx-api GitHub Wiki

Variations endpoint

"Variations" hold data regarding past variations on the Hip Hop Xpress. You can view them on the Hip Hop Xpress website here.


The Variation object

Each variation object holds data in JSON format. All attributes are required in POST requests, but not in PUT requests (see more here).

  "id": 0,
  "name": "B.E.A.T.S. Trailer",
  "date": "2012-2018",
  "description": [
    "With the Airstream trailer no longer available, Dr. Patterson located...",
    "This trailer, too, required rental of a vehicle to pull it to various...",
  "images": [
      "url": "",
      "caption": "The B.E.A.T.S. trailer in action",
      "componentImage": true,
      "url": "",
      "caption": "A side view of the B.E.A.T.S. trailer",
      "componentImage": false,


Name Type Restrictions Description
id number must be unique non-zero integer, cannot be updated once created unique identifier for variation
name string must be non-empty display name for variation
date string must be 4 characters or more describes the running time of variation
description Array of string must be non-empty describes the variation
images Array of Image Objects must be non-empty, exactly one Image Object must have componentImage set to true lists all display images for variation

The Variation 'Image' object

Image description for images array in the variation object. Each field is required when creating new images.

  "url": "",
  "caption": "",
  "componentImage": true,


Name Type Restrictions Description
url string must be a valid URL points to image of variation
caption string none, can be empty briefly describes the image
componentImage boolean exactly one image must have componentImage set to true describes whether this image is displayed on its component in the mobile app



A quick overview of all endpoints related to Variations on the Hip Hop Xpress

   POST /v1/variations
    GET /v1/variations

    GET /v1/variations/:id
    PUT /v1/variations/:id
 DELETE /v1/variations/:id

   POST /v1/variations/:id/images
    GET /v1/variations/:id/images

   POST /v1/variations/:id/description
    GET /v1/variations/:id/description


All use cases for the Variations endpoints are listed below.

Collection wide:

Variation specific:

Variation data specific:

View the error documentation for what to expect if your request fails.

Create variation

POST /v1/variations

Creates a variation by including a variation object (JSON) in the request body. All fields are required, and the id must be a unique, non-negative integer.


A valid variation object (JSON) with correct attributes


The variation object as added in the database if successful

Retrieve all variations

GET /v1/variations

Retrieves the data for all variations




An array of all variation objects

Retrieve variation

GET /v1/variations/:id

Retrieves a specific variation through its id




The variation object with specified id

Update variation

PUT /v1/variations/:id

Updates attributes of a specified variation object by id


A variation object containing only the attributes needing change, and their updated values. For example, if you need to change the date attribute, you only need to include the date field in your request: {"date": "some new date"}. However, any updated attributes must follow the attribute restrictions.


The updated variation object

Delete variation

DELETE /v1/variations/:id

Deles a variation object with id




The variation object that was deleted

Add images

POST /v1/variations/:id/images

Adds images to a specific variation by including the image objects in your request body.


Either a single image object or an array of image objects in the request body. All attributes are required for each image object.


The updated images array

Retrieve images

GET /v1/variations/:id/images

Retrieves all the images for a specified variation by id




The images array of variation with specified id

Add to description

POST /v1/variations/:id/description

Adds text to a variation's description by by including the text in the request body


Either a single string or an array of strings in the request body


The updated description (array of strings)t

Retrieve description

GET /v1/variations/:id/description

Retrieves all the text in a specific variation's description




The description (array of strings)

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