Location - Hip-Hop-Xpress/hhx-api GitHub Wiki

Location endpoint

The Double Dutch Boom Bus is the current vehicle of the Hip Hop Xpress - the API Location endpoint serves as a method for users of the app to see the the bus's location.

NOTE: In the future, there will be a need for a more robust option of communicating the bus location to the user: for now, the naive solution will simply be a set of coordinates available for retrieval from the API.

The Location object

  "name": "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campustown",
  "latitude": 40.102,
  "longitude": -88.2272


Name Type Restrictions Description
name String must be non-empty human-readable name of location
latitude number none, just required latitude coordinate of location
longitude number none, just required longitude coordinate of location



A quick overview of all endpoints related to the location:

GET /v1/location
PUT /v1/location


All use cases for the projects endpoints are listed below:

Retrieve location

GET /v1/location

Retrieves the location.




The location object as specified above.

Update location

PUT /v1/location

Updates the location based on the parameters.


An object containing only the attributes needing change, and their updated values. (For example, you can just include the latitude field in your request body without the longitude or name field, and it will update just the latitude field).


The updated location object

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