assignment no.4 - HinaUmer123/Database- GitHub Wiki

Data type in MY SQL:-

Tiny text:

   It holds string with maximum 255 characters.


   It holds 65,535 characters.


  (binary large object) it holds upto 65,535 bytes of data.    

Medium text:

        It holds string with maximum length 16,777,215 characters.

Long text:

    It holds string value with maximum length of 4294967295 characters.

Long blob:

     It holds byte upto 4294967295.

Difference between CHAR and VARCHAR:-


      Char is used to store character. It has string value with fixed length.
      It can holds 255 characters. It is 50% percent faster than varchar.
      It is used for static memory location.


     It is variable length data type with alphanumeric. It is used to store
     character string values. It uses dynamic memory location. It is slower 
     than char.


Basically sql is divide into two main catagories.




  DDL stands for data definition language or data description language.
  Its syntax is similar to computer programming language for defining
 data structure specially in database schema. DDL is used to build and
 modify the structure of table.


 DML stands for data manipulation language. It is used to work and 
  manipulate data in database.DML modifies the record in database.
 It is used to managing data within schema objects e.g.

SELECT: Retrieve data for database.

INSERT: Insert into table.

UPDATE: Update existing data in database.

DELETE: Delete all records from table.

MERGE: Upsert operations.