Guide - sincetheflood/paladin GitHub Wiki

Self-hosting Paladin is a fairly straightforward process, and should be similar across all platforms. You'll need node.js installed, check out the discord.js guide for instructions on how to make sure it is.

Creating your Bot Application

To connect your bot to Discord you'll need set up a bot account, see the discord.js guide for instructions on how to create one. Once the bot application has been created you'll need to do a few things.

In the "Bot" tab of the bot application page find the "Privileged Gateway Intents" section and turn on the "Server Members Intent".

In the "OAuth2" tab of the bot application page check the "bot" and "application.commands" scopes. Check the following bot permissions:

  • Kick Members
  • Ban Members
  • Send Messages
  • Public Threads
  • Manage Messages

Then head to the URL discord gives you and invite the bot (see the discord.js guide for more details) to your server!

Setting up the bot itself

Download the repository via the zip file, or if you have git installed, clone the repository:

git clone

Then enter the bot's folder. Install the required node packages and register the commands:

npm install
node registerCommands.js

Copy the config.example.json file to config.json and edit it to suit your needs. See this wiki entry for information about the config.js file.

Then, finally, you can start the bot! Run node . in the bot's folder.

Updating the bot

If you downloaded the bot via the zip file you'll need to follow the "Setting up the bot itself" section again, minus setting config.json up again. If you cloned the repository with git, all you need do to update is run git pull.

In both cases make sure to check the new config.example.json still uses the same format it did when you set your config.json, you may need to make some adjustments!