Requirements Gathering - Hilari/Tarkvaratehnika-projekt GitHub Wiki

Karl Lääts, Hilari Muts, Kevin Kattai
Team Powerpuffgirls



  • Is the ordering from table or from register?
    Both options are available.
  • While taking an order from a table, do you have to write it on a paper or do you have a special device?
    Special device for taking orders.
  • Must clients pay for the order immediately after its entered to the system or can the bill be left open?
    Bill can be left open
  • Can the bill be divided into several bills later?
  • How many bills can be open at the same time?
    Same amount as tables.
  • Must an open bill have a limit? If so, will it depend on the client? Can the limit be increased if client is using an accepted credit card?
    There is no limit for clients
  • Is tip included in the bill?
    No, Client can decide it
  • Can the tip be added to a credit card payment?
  • Can the client pay at the table or at the register?
    Both options are available
  • Do waitresses get special discounts?
  • Does the place serve foods and snacks along with beer?
  • How is the menu categorized – is there an alphabetical system or drinks/foods separately?
    Drinks and foods separately and they are also categorized. Drinks – soft drinks, beer, other alcoholic drinks, food – appetizer, main course, soups, snacks, desserts.
  • Do you have touch screens or normal computers?
    Normal screens.
  • Do you have to log into the system?
  • If there is a open bill by another waiter, can you open it from your account?
  • Are there special buttons on a keyboard, for foods and drinks?
  • Is the register opening manually (with a key) or automatically from computer (for example if the payment has been made the register opens automatically)?
    It opens automatically when the payment has been made and you can also open it from the computer when needed.
  • Do you have daily specials?
    No, but we have happy hour in the evening.
  • Can clients make pre-orders?
  • Can clients reserve a table?

Restaurant manager

  • Does the restaurant have a client card?
  • Which products are cheaper with client card and how much?
    -10% from all beers
  • Will there be a discount on some special occasions for example national holidays etc?
    Yes there will be.
  • Does this apply to all the restaurants?
    It applies to all the restaurants, but countries have different national holidays, so if we have discount in Estonia it may not be in Latvia.
  • Is there a happy hour?
    Yes, from 9PM-11PM.
  • Should waiters be able to hand the bill over to the other waiter?
  • Should we support credit cards at all? Which credit cards?
    Yes – VISA, MasterCard & American Express.
  • Are there any differences in the mentioned operations between different countries?
  • Are there special discounts for people working at the restaurant?
    Yes, -20%.
  • Does it apply to all beverages?
  • Is the computer running register software is only a register or is it used as a work computer as well?
    No, it will be used only as a register.
  • Should the software have any security?
    Yes, we don’t want others to see our monthly income, change prices etc.
  • Who is able to change the information – for example prices and new discounts (2=3) and so on?
    Restaurant managers are able to change the information.
  • Should the register have user accounts? For example if the shift for person 1 has ended, he logs out and person 2 logs in?
  • What are the accounts used for?
    So we can see how much income did a certain waiter get and how much bonus they should get based on it.
  • Should the system calculate the bonus itself?
    Yes, 1,3% from all the sellings.
  • How should the log in work?
    Every waiter has their own card which they have to use before they start taking orders.
  • Should the account log off itself or waiter has to log off himself/herself?
    There should be automatic log off (30 min) and also old account should log off when a new card is activated.
  • Can clients reserve the place?
  • Does it cost to reserve a place?
    Yes and the price depends on how long you want to reserve it.
  • Should the register show that there is a reservation?
    Yes, it will show the date and time of the reservation.

Head waiter

  • Is it possible to call waiter?
    There is a certain button on the table which alerts the waiter software.
  • Is there only one button?
    No, 2-one for ordering food and beverages and also for the bill.
  • Is it possible to give feedback about the service?
    Yes, after the bill has been given to the client, the client is able to rate the service with a special device given to him with a bill.
  • How could the feedback be given?
    On a scale of 0-5. Also an option to notify about long waiting period.
  • How does the feedback affect the service?
    It depends – on a great feedback the waiter gets extra credit and bonuses. On a bad feedback the waiter gets admonition.
  • What is extra credit and how much are the bonuses for great feedback?
    This is a thing that system does not calculate, this is head waiters job.
  • Can the head waiter make changes in the client order?
    Yes, the head waiter has enough privileges to make these changes. But before the order has been confirmed, the waiter working at the register is allowed to make changes as well.

Company administration (accountant)

  • Is it possible to scan barcodes on a bill of delivery?
    Yes, it will scan the information about ordered product into the POS.
  • Should the system alert when some product is running out?
    Of course – how many had been ordered minus how many is sold. If we have left less than 20% then the system will notify.
  • Should the system alert when some product’s expiration date is close?
    Yes, if it’s less than 2 weeks left then the system alerts and gives an option to make a discount.
  • Should the system be able to create shift report at the end of the day? And should it be emailed directly to an accountant?
    The shift report must be created manually if the shift for current worker ends. After creating a shift report the system could email it directly if connected to the internet.
  • Is it possible to sign a bill of delivery digitally?
    The signing should be built into software this way that the barcode scanning is “giving a digital signature”. The system then emails a document to the company whom which the product was ordered.
  • Are shift reports emailed to accountant automatically? If so, then at what times (once a week, after every shift, once a month)?
    Yes, the email will be sent after every shift report.
  • Should the software create statistics and graphs from the shift report?
    Yes, it’s a great idea. It will give an idea how much we need to order for the upcoming years.

List of user roles:

  1. Waiter
  2. Head waiter
  3. Restaurant manager
  4. Clients (using feedback system)
  5. Accountant

Functional requirements:

  • You can order from table.
  • You can order from register.
  • Bills are handled from the register and the bill could be left open.
  • Device on the waiter connects with the register and creates a bill.
  • Bill can be divided into several bills if the clients choose to pay everyone for himself.
  • There could be more than one open bill.
  • The tip could be given from the credit card.
  • Client is able to pay from the table.
  • Client is able to pay at the register.
  • People working at the restaurant get special discount.
  • Drinks and foods are separately categorized in a system. Drinks – soft drinks, beer, other alcoholic drinks, * food – appetizer, main course, soups, snacks, desserts.
  • If you press a button on a keyboard the system will recognize which product to add on the bill.
  • System understands if a user logs in.
  • It is possible for one waiter to pass a bill to another (via user accounts).
  • It is possible for one waiter to add items to another waiter bill.
  • There is a button for opening the register to retrieve cash.
  • If the paying operation has been done the register opens automatically to retrieve cash.
  • On a happy hour the system changes prices automatically.
  • It is possible to make pre-orders.
  • The system shows when and which tables are reserved
  • Client card has a discount, -10%.
  • There are discounts on special occasions – national holidays etc.
  • It is possible to pay with credit card.
  • It is possible to pay with cash.
  • The system has it’s own encryption methods for security reasons
  • The user account with higher priority can only change the prices.
  • The user account with higher priority can only change the discounts.
  • Every person working at the restaurant has their own account.
  • System counts how much is the income while the user is logged in
  • System calculates the bonus from the income for the user who has done the work.
  • If the card is used then the system recognizes the user.
  • If it’s past 30 minutes from last user activity the system will automatically log out from the user account.
  • If another card is used the system will automatically log out from the previous user account and log in to the new account.
  • It is possible to reserve the place and the system shows when and for how long the place is reserved also, it shows how much will it cost.
  • It must alert the waiter if the button on a table is pressed.
  • Clients are able to give feedback on the scale from 0-5 and the system must register it to the waiter’s user account.
  • User with higher priority is able to check the feedback.
  • User with higher priority is able to make changes in client order after the order has been confirmed. User with lower priority can not.
  • Users with lower priority are able to change the bill if it’s opened.
  • The system automatically adds new items to the storage if they are delivered and scanned.
  • The system calculates the sold items off from the storage.
  • The system notifies if some item is running out.
  • The system notifies if some item is expiring.
  • The system creates shift report after the user shift end
  • The system must be able to connect to the internet
  • The system must email the shift reports to the accountant.
  • The system should be able to give digital signature.
  • The system should be able to email the signed bill of delivery to the company whom from the items were ordered.
  • Software creates statistics automatically for food and shift reports.


  1. Should be easily understandable and viewable. If the waiter who’s working on a first day takes a look at this magnificent software he/she will feel a chilling cold running through his spine since the software is so beautiful and easily perceptible.
  2. The products sold in the restaurant are easily manageable and easy to find for the waiter.
  3. The product saves a lot of time for accountant, since it’s delivering shift reports every day to him/her.
  4. Accountant can easily see which product is running out so he/she can order a new one.
  5. System changes prices automaticly if there’s a happy hour or special holiday.


  1. Fast booting – if it’s busy in the morning the software won’t be issue.
  2. If there are many bills open there will be no lag and you can use the system perfectly.
  3. The networking system between devices is fast and takes almost no resources.
  4. The feedback system is running on background and takes no processing power.
  5. We use LAN between our devices so there won’t be problems if internet connection goes down.
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