DGraph - HilaShoshan/ObjectOriented_Task2 GitHub Wiki

  • public node_data getNode(int key)- return the Node with this key.
  • public edge_data getEdge(int src, int dest)- return the edge between the src and dest.
  • public void addNode(node_data n)- add node to thr graph.
  • public Collection<node_data> getV()- return all the vertexs of the graph.
  • public Collection<edge_data> getE(int node_id)- return all the edges of the graph.
  • public node_data removeNode(int key)- renove the vertex with this key from the graph.
  • public edge_data removeEdge(int src, int dest)-renove the edge with this src and dest from the graph.
  • public int nodeSize()- return how much nodes we have in the graph.
  • public int edgeSize()-return how much edges we have in the graph.
  • public int getMC()- return how much changes we have in the graph.
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